Faster and Precise Digital Scanning
Brite Orthodontics uses the revolutionary iTero® Digital Scanner. This progressive, state-of-the-art technology takes digital impressions of your teeth and mouth and you get to see how your smile will look after Invisalign® treatment even before you commit to the treatment.
The traditional impressions may get a little uncomfortable and may leave an unpleasant taste in the mouth. With the revolutionary iTero® imaging system, Brite Orthodontics offers goop-free, gag-free, and worry-free digital impressions with a host of other benefits.
It’s Comfortable
- No gooey, messy impressions
- You can swallow and breathe normally with no unpleasant smell or bitter aftertaste
It’s Quick
- Immediate onscreen view of 3D scans
- Faster implementation of personalized teeth straightening treatment plan
It’s Precise
- Eliminates the need to retake impressions
- Provides accurate data for precise fit of implants, bridges, crowns, and Invisalign® clear retainers and aligners
How Does iTero® Digital Scanner Work?
- With iTero® Digital Scanner compact wand, your Orthodontist takes high-quality digital images of your teeth and gums.
- The device doesn’t emit any radiation and uses a software to create a 3D model of your mouth.
- Once the scan is complete, your Orthodontist uses the model to map your tooth movements and then initiates a customized Invisalign® treatment plan.
- You can see exactly how your smile will look at the end of the Invisalign® or other orthodontic treatment. So, no guesswork here!
If you are wondering how your smile will look after your teeth are straightened, get in touch with us today!