Aging is an inevitable part of life. It brings so many changes to our lives, which includes changes to the teeth. As you grow older, you might start facing several dental health problems like darkened teeth, crooked teeth, receding gums, gum disease, denture-induced stomatitis, and in some cases, tooth loss.
The mistake people commonly make is sticking to a particular dental care routine their entire lives. You may not get the healthy gums and teeth you so much desire if, in your 30s, 40s, and 50s, you are still applying the same teeth cleaning routine you used in your 20s. Your teeth need different types of care at different decades of your life.
Keep reading to find out the different changes you may notice in your teeth in your 30s, 40s, and 50s and how to respond to them.
How to take care of teeth after 30
If you have maintained good oral hygiene as a teenager and in your 20s, it will begin to pay off by the time you are in your 30s. You will most likely notice a decline in issues related to tooth decay and orthodontia.
Some of the changes you may notice in your oral health at this stage include:
- Yellowish or discolored teeth.
- Receding gums
- Bad breath
- Teeth sensitivity.
Teeth misalignment is a leading cause of oral health problems such as bad breath, tooth decay, and gum diseases.
Misaligned teeth create room for bacteria to hide and thrive; this is why it’s essential to get a timely orthodontic treatment to reduce the risk of developing problems associated with teeth misalignment. The recent Byte reviews show that Byte is one of the best invisible teeth aligners you can get
What You Can Do
- Start by practicing a healthy oral habit, floss, and clean your teeth at least twice daily. If you have a poor oral routine, you increase your risk of tooth decay and bad breath. If you notice any tooth discoloration, consider teeth whitening to remove the stain.
- If you often brush a bit too intensely or have a hard toothbrush, you may notice that your teeth are susceptible to hot and cold food or drink. This is one of the most common tooth problems experienced by people in their 30s.Hard toothbrushes can cause irreversible damage to your teeth and gums. When you brush too hard, it can cause the gums to recede, increasing tooth sensitivity. Always use a soft toothbrush and be more gentle when brushing and flossing.
- For most women, the 30s is a common time to have children. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can increase your risk of gum disease. This is why it’s important to visit your dentist to develop a safe dental care plan. You also have to take flossing more seriously.
How to take care of teeth after 40
When you are in your 40s, you may notice the following:
- Fillings you had when you were younger are beginning to chip off or crumble. When this happens, it makes it easier for food particles to be retained in your teeth, and this gives rise to tooth decay.
- Heightened sensitivity as a result of tooth grinding. In your 40s, you may begin to see chips on your teeth as a result of grinding. Most people are not even aware that they grind their teeth. However, Dr. Moti Nissani’s research revealed that about 5-20% of Americans suffer from teeth grinding, but only 80% are aware of the condition.
- Receding gums and gum disease is another issue commonly experienced by 40 somethings. Gum disease can have serious effects on the structure of your teeth and jaw.
- People in their 40s are also at a higher risk of developing some types of cancer, and some of the symptoms are evident in your oral health.
What You Can Do
- Visit your dentist regularly. At least once every six months, meet with your dentist for cleanings and exams. You should also watch out for any signs of serious health conditions such as cancer or diabetes. If you have misaligned teeth due to grinding, seek your dentist’s opinion on the best Teeth straightening option for you. You should also ask your dentist to make a customized nightguard for you to prevent your teeth from grinding against one another.
- Maintain strong oral hygiene at home to reduce your risk of developing gum disease. If you notice any signs of gum disease, it’s crucial that you talk to your dentist about it to prevent it from getting worse.
- Be more careful about the dental health products you use, as some of them may make your teeth more sensitive. If you have heightened tooth sensitivity, using toothpaste for sensitive teeth can help reduce the pain.
- A change in tooth care practices can also help resolve issues related to receding gums.
How to take care of teeth after 50
Your dental health in your 50s largely reflects how well you cared for your teeth in your 30s and 40s.
Hormonal changes are one of the factors that can threaten your oral health at this age. As you age, your body becomes less capable of producing certain hormones. This makes you prone to some chronic diseases.
Once you are in your 50s, you may notice that your mouth is always dry. This explains why tooth decay is a significant problem for people at this age. As a result of hormonal changes associated with aging, you may notice that you don’t produce as much saliva as before. This puts your teeth at risk of teeth decay because saliva plays an important role in breaking down food and washing it away from the teeth to prevent bacteria that cause tooth decay from growing
What You Can Do
- Drink more water to keep the mouth rinsed and prevent bacteria from growing in your teeth. Chewing sugarless gums can also help you produce more saliva to tackle the problem of dry mouth and tooth decay.
- Consider getting a dental implant if you have any missing teeth to reduce the risk of developing gum disease. When you have a missing tooth and don’t attend to it, you face an increased risk of losing your teeth or developing gum disease.
- Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol as much as possible. Smoking and intake of acidic drinks will only worsen dry mouth, which increases your risk of tooth decay.
Good dental health practices are vital for everyone, irrespective of your age. It’s important to know that the health of your teeth significantly affects your overall health. This is why it’s important to learn the best ways of caring for your teeth at every stage of your life.
As you age, brushing alone might not be enough to get rid of food particles in your teeth adequately, no matter how often. It’s essential that you floss and rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash daily. Visit your dentist regularly for more effective cleaning and oral examination. Remember, your smile is the first thing that attracts people to you, and you won’t want decayed teeth to ruin that smile.
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